Monday, February 20, 2012

All That Sass and a New Do to Match!

As I am brushing Braylee's hair in the morning before school, she grumbles at me
"Ughhh I am just not in the mood for this right now, MOM!" 

Whoa, Whoa wait a minute!! When did my 4-year old turn into a moody teenager!  I swear the things that Braylee says to me lately just blows my mind.  She is so sassy and vocal with her opinion and feelings.  I most certainly blame myself.  She hears my mouth and repeats everything I say and do.  She is completely my mini-me and sometimes it is not always a good thing when it backfires in my face with a smart ass comment! 

As my baby girl is growing up into a little princess, I thought it was FINALLY time to give her a big girl hair cut! When I was pregnant, all I wanted was a healthy baby girl with lots of hair and if anybody remembers Braylee as a baby, she was so bald for the longest time. 

When she finally did grow hair, I swore I would never cut it!  She is getting older and maintaining that mane has become quite the task in the morning.  She has wanted her hair cut for the longest time so, I finally gave in and chopped off her hair. 

Braylee is now sporting the sassiest little bob to match that sassy attitude.
  It couldn't be any cuter! 
I absolutely LOVE it and so does she!

"MOM, I just can't stop looking at my hair, I LOVE IT!!!" 

Monday, February 13, 2012


Man oh Man!  I have really let the ball drop on this whole blog thing.  I swore when I started this blog that I was gonna keep it up so, Braylee would have it to look back on as she grew up.  With a full-time job, a part-time job, being a full-time college student and, taking care of Braylee, I just have not found the time to do this.  I never kept up with Braylee's baby book way before my busy life got so busy, what was my excuse then?  Here is my attempt to update and fill in the gaps from October till now.  Buckle up, we have 4 months full of holiday fun to review! 

Halloween 2011
My little "cheerweader"! 

Thanksgiving 2011

Thanksgiving Program at School! 
She was a little Indian! 
Strangely shy about the whole thing, anybody who truly knows Braylee, she talks a mile a minute from the time she wakes up to the time she goes to sleep!

This Thanksgiving was full of so many happy memories!  We travelled to St. Louis to spend a week with my favorite Aunt who is best friend.  The vacation was full of family memories, great food, shopping, more shopping, and probably the most relaxing time I have ever had. 

Christmas 2011

A real Christmas tree has become a delightful tradition for Braylee and I.  Every year, the two of us, go and cut down our own tree, haul it home, and this year we decorated the tree accompanied by Justin Bieber:  Christmas music.

Braylee's Christmas program at school was a bit more successful than Thanksgiving.  She was not so shy at this one, it brought tears to my eyes to see her pretty self up there signing her heart out.

Braylee and her friend Cadence!

Braylee and Brayden!

This year, Christmas was extra fun with the magic of Santa.  Braylee was so into believing into Santa this year!  So many questions where asked:  "How will he find our house?",  "MOM!!!! We don't have a chimney!!"  and, how can we forget the amount of times she changed her wish list.  I had some big shoes to fill this year to help create the magic of Santa. 

Braylee visiting Santa at her friend Remy's house.

Braylee writing her letter to Santa. 

Leaving cookies and milk for Santa.  Braylee demanded that Santa requested chocolate milk and cookies and who was I to argue.  (Yummy for Mommy!)

"Santa Came!  MOMMY Santa came!!"
  It was my year to have Braylee Christmas morning and it was like something out of a movie.  She came running into my room shouting with excitement about Santa coming! 

 I had to use different wrapping paper just so she didn't suspect any funny business. 

 Even after she opened up her presents from Santa, she saw the "Circo" tag on a dress from Santa and says to me: "Mom, this is NOT from Santa, this is from Target!!!"
 Yupp!  She is my kid alright...and there is certainly no fooling this kid. 

Not sure if she realizes how lucky she is but, separate parents means twice the Christmas with multiple sets of grandparents.  Makes for one heck of a Christmas.  She made out like a bandit! 

Unfortunately with Christmas, Braylee got really sick with a nasty stomach virus.  She was sick for almost a week straight, couldn't eat or drink anything, forcing us in and out of the hospital!

After some much needed cuddle time with Mommy, some anti-nausea medication, and some pedialyte, Braylee was back to her spunky self! 

I snapped this pic to one day use for her wedding day photo montage! 
(note the high-heels on her feet, silly girl!)

The holidays were crazy and eventful but, looking back on these pictures brought a smile to my face and tears to my eyes thinking about how fast these years are flying by. 
It is so cliche to say but, these babies really do grow up way to fast. 

As for the upcoming weeks, Braylee and I are preparing to move into a new home next month.  Exciting and stressful all in one.  This year is a big one for Braylee and I with so many exciting thing happening. 
Stay tuned....with patience of course!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Every October my family and I take a little vacation to the Wisconsin Dells.  We rent out a lakeside condo that is part of a water park resort.  This has been something we have done since before Braylee was born and something we all look forward to every year.  Each year gets better with how much more Braylee is able to do.  She had such a blast going down ALL the water slides this year, even the slides she wasn't quite tall enough for yet.  I was fortunate enough to be able to take the underwater camera from work with me on our vacation.  This made for some really great pictures and awesome videos. 

Our beautiful view!

.  My little fishy!

Relaxing down the lazy river.

Jackson and Braylee in the wave pool!

"Look Mom, I didn't fall and hit my head!"

Braylee and baby Logan

Braylee going down the big, dark raft slide for the 8th time!

This year was especially exciting because it was my baby cousin Logan's first time going with us.  It reminded me so much of the first time Braylee went.  She was so little but, even then was such a little daredevil! 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Braylee & Brayden Sitting in a Tree....

When is the right age for girls to become boy crazy?  In my world, it is just your average 4-year old little girl. 

I picked Braylee up from school the other day and she comes running up to me yelling "Mom! Mom! I have a new boyfriend!! His name is Brayden, with the Toy Story backpack!!" Last week she was married to Terrance and every other day she is on a date with Justin Bieber.  This can NOT be normal, right?? (On a serious note, I have no idea where she comes up with this stuff because as a single mom I make it a point not to date in front of Braylee for this very reason.) These boy crazy conversations I hold with my 4-year old are quite a riot.  Some days, I wish I was recording them to share.(maybe a future post...)

Brayden and Braylee

These two are inseparable!
Ironically, Brayden happens to be a student of mine that I have been teaching since he was 2-years old.  Very nice, funny kid that comes from a very nice family so, I approve. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

"How many more sleeps till my 'pecial' day Mommy??"

The school year is in full swing and in the life of a preschooler, this is very exciting.  Everyday she is so thrilled to go to school.  She can't wait to get home to do her homework.  My child, who generally loves to sleep in, wakes up extra early on school days because she can hardly wait to go to school that day. 

Every month each child in the classroom gets a special day!  This special day includes bringing a special friend(mom, dad, grandma, aunt, ect) to class, bringing a snack for the class, special duties in the classroom that day, and show-n-tell.  Braylee looks forward to these days SO much.  Every morning I get to asked, "how many more sleeps to my 'pecial' day Mommy??"  Wellll today was the day, well actually Tuesday was the day and a 'pecial' day it was! 

You guessed it!! Justin Bieber made his guest appearence as Braylee's show-n-tell!
(Completely normal for your average 4 year old...)

Braylee and her friend Cadence! 

Braylee leading the "Toody Tot" song!
(I will be happy to demonstrate this song after a few beers!)

It was quite the morning with 10 preschoolers.  Now I'm off to wash the Elmers glue out of my jeans. 
Only 3 more weeks till the next 'pecial day'!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Welcome to my blog, a little look into my life as a single mother on one beautiful little girl named Braylee Grace.  Everyday poses a different set of challenges and surprises.  I want to use this blog to help capture all the little moments of life with my little Busy B.